Suggestions: MARBECKS COLLECTABLE: Teddy Tahu Rhodes - Vagabond

Items related to MARBECKS COLLECTABLE: Teddy Tahu Rhodes - Vagabond

Since you are interested in MARBECKS COLLECTABLE: Teddy Tahu Rhodes - Vagabond, here is a list of other items that you may find interesting.

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MARBECKS COLLECTABLE: Mozart Arias & Orchestral Music cover
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MARBECKS COLLECTABLE: Mozart Arias & Orchestral Music
Teddy Tahu Rhodes (bass-baritone) / Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra, Ola Rudner
[ ABC Classics / CD - released 4/Oct/2003 ]
Teddy Tahu Rhodes singing career is going from strength to strength. Hugely popular in New Zealand where he was born, and Australia, where opera aficionados adore him.