Since you are interested in Glass: Piano Works, here is a list of other items that you may find interesting.
Debussy & Rameau Vikingur Olafsson (piano) [ Deutsche Grammophon / CD - released 5/Feb/2021 ] "It could have been a triumph of style over substance but, like the Bach, the programming here is truly inspired...Where else could Ólafsson end but with 'Hommage à Rameau' from Images, Book 1?" Gramophone Editor's Choice April 2020 |
Bach: Goldberg Variations Beatrice Rana (piano) [ Warner Classics / CD - released 1/Mar/2017 ] "Her detailing is one of the aspects that makes this performance so compelling, be it the bringing out of a new line in the repeat, subtle changes in phrasing, a touch of pedal - examples are to be found in every single variation." Gramophone |
Boz Scaggs
Out Of The Blues [ Universal Music / CD - released 24/Aug/2018 ] The self-produced Out Of The Blues finds national treasure Boz Scaggs applying his iconic voice and gritty guitar skills to a set of vintage classics as well as four originals. For the occasion, the legendary singer/songwriter/guitarist assembled... |
Bach: Works & Reworks Víkingur Ólafsson (piano) [ Deutsche Grammophon / 2 CD - released 1/Nov/2019 ] A deluxe version of Ólafsson's two Bach albums. Johann Sebastian Bach has won five-star reviews worldwide, as has Bach Reworks, the pianist's performances of Bach transcriptions and works reimagined by today's composers - Ryuichi Sakamoto,... |
Mozart & Contemporaries Vikingur Olafsson (piano) [ Deutsche Grammophon / CD - released 3/Sep/2021 ] "there is much to admire here thanks to Ólafsson's superb pianism, most notably in Haydn's Sonata No. 47, Mozart's little Cmajor Sonata and his dagio in Bminor; his Kleine Gigue goes like the wind." - BBC Music Magazine |
Holly Arrowsmith
A Dawn I Remember [ CD - released 17/Aug/2018 ] A self-written volume, A Dawn I Remember has slowly taken shape over two years. The vast majority of the songs were written in New Zealand, though one was penned in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado (Slow Train Creek). "At the same time we were... |
Music for a While: Improvisations on Purcell Philippe Jaroussky, Raquel Andueza, Vincenzo Capezzuto, Dominique Visse, Trovesi, Muthspiel / L'Arpeggiata, Christina Pluhar [ Warner Classics / CD - released 26/Oct/2014 ] "most of these songs retain their essential character, and far from having his genius dimmed, Purcell still shines as a writer of songs timelessly receptive to reinterpretation and capable of reaching the heart by the power of melody alone." Gramopho |
Richter: The Blue Notebooks Max Richter (piano), with Louisa Fuller, Natalia Bonner (violins), Chris Worsey, Philip Sheppard (cellos), John Metcalfe (viola) with Tilda Swinton [ Deutsche Grammophon / 2 CD - released 8/Jun/2018 ] A 15th anniversary reissue of Max Richter's masterpiece The Blue Notebooks. Released in 2004, the album was written and recorded in 2003 in response to the US invasion of Iraq. It's become one of the most iconic pieces of classical and protest music... |
Johann Sebastian Bach - Víkingur Ólafsson Vikingur Olafsson (piano) [ Deutsche Grammophon / CD - released 7/Sep/2018 ] "Every track has its own allure, and many reflect a virtuosity which is never flaunted; he treats the preludes and fugues as though they had been conceived as tone-poems or études." BBC Music Five Stars |
Víkingur Ólafsson - From Afar Víkingur Ólafsson (piano) [ Deutsche Grammophon / 2 CD - released 7/Oct/2022 ] The Icelandic pianist presents FromAfar, a unique double album containing two recordings of the same repertoire, one played on a Steinway concert grand, the other on an upright piano. |
Donna Dean
Tyre Tracks & Broken Hearts [ CD ] While the title of this album might look like an easy and reflexive nod to earthy country music and it's brokedown traditions, you need only flick straight to the second song Twister to be persuaded that Donna Dean is someone special... |
Nadia Reid
Preservation [ Slowtime / CD - released 1/Mar/2017 ] An ode to self-reflection and self-betterment, Nadia Reid's 'Preservation' is the sound of Nadia showing her true colours, taking back a bit of power, and learning more about herself. Deeply intellectual but felt by all, it punches harder than... |