Since you are interested in Demidenko plays Chopin (Polonaises / Berceuse / Tarantella), here is a list of other items that you may find interesting.
Paderewski: Piano Sonata / Variations & Fugues Jonathan Plowright (piano) [ Hyperion / CD - released 1/Sep/2007 ] 'All three works provide the listener with an incredible musical journey; a kaleidoscope of pianistic ideas with fleeting echoes of Rachmaninov, Brahms, Debussy, and even elements of earlier music with its elegance and trills." BBC Music |
Demidenko plays Rachmaninov Nikolai Demidenko (piano) [ Hyperion Helios / CD - released 20/Jun/2007 ] 'This excellently chosen selection of Rachmnaninov's finest solo piano works is played with superb panache by Demidenko … With warm acoustic, a most appealing disc' (BBC Music Magazine) |