Suggestions: Il terzo libro de madrigali, 1592

Items related to Il terzo libro de madrigali, 1592

Since you are interested in Il terzo libro de madrigali, 1592, here is a list of other items that you may find interesting.

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MARBECKS COLLECTABLE: Tenebrae: Music for Holy Week in Naples cover
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MARBECKS COLLECTABLE: Tenebrae: Music for Holy Week in Naples
Valentina Varriale / I Turchini / Antonio Florio
[ Glossa / CD - released 1/Jun/2011 ]
"It is a tribute to Antonio Florio's direction that one never notices his interference with the natural flow of these fine performances." Gramophone
Il ottavo libro de madrigali, 1638 'Madrigali guerrieri et amorosi' cover
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Il ottavo libro de madrigali, 1638 'Madrigali guerrieri et amorosi'
La Venexiana / Claudio Cavina
[ Glossa La Venexiana Monteverdi Madrigals / 3 CD Box Set - released 1/Oct/2009 ]
"In their Monteverdi Editions, La Venexiana bring a dramatic delivery of the words and a uniquely Italian blend of solo voices to this glorious music, unrivalled on disc." Sunday Times
Il sesto libro de madrigali, 1614 cover
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Il sesto libro de madrigali, 1614
La Venexiana / Claudio Cavina
[ Glossa La Venexiana Monteverdi Madrigals / CD - released 1/Oct/2009 ]
"The elite Italian ensemble La Venexiana bring words and music vividly to life." The Sunday Times
Sonatas for Viola da Gamba cover
add to cart $34.20 Out of Stock
6+ weeks
Sonatas for Viola da Gamba
Paolo Pandolfo (viola da gamba) / Markus Hunninger
[ Glossa / CD - released 1/Jun/2011 ]
"the playing offers telling insights and revels in a conspicuously warm and immediate sound." (BBC Music)