Suggestions: Monteverdi: Teatro d'Amore

Items related to Monteverdi: Teatro d'Amore

Since you are interested in Monteverdi: Teatro d'Amore, here is a list of other items that you may find interesting.

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Caldara in Vienna cover
add to cart $25.00 In Stock
Caldara in Vienna
Philippe Jaroussky (conter-tenor) / Concerto Köln, Emmanuelle Haïm
[ Virgin Classics / CD - released 29/Nov/2010 ]
"Jaroussky, a male soprano rather than a a countertenor, brings this obscure repertoire to life: seamless legato, fluent runs and - unlike some of his confrères - no cause for alarm above the stave." Gramophone Editor's Choice January 2011)
Mediterraneo cover
add to cart $30.00 Low Stock
Christina Pluhar / L'arpeggiata, featuring Misia
[ Erato Classics / CD - released 8/Mar/2013 ]
"Misia is not exactly representative of traditional fado, and that is to the advantage of this collaboration, but paradoxically her singing here is the most traditional I have heard from her and she complements the rest with her very different timbre
Handel Goes Wild cover
add to cart $35.00 Low Stock
Handel Goes Wild
Christina Pluhar / L'arpeggiata, featuring Valer Sabadus (counter-tenor) & Nuria Rial (soprano)
[ Erato Classics / CD - released 22/Aug/2017 ]
"Christina Pluhar has great taste. She brings great musicians together with great music. And of course, if you've liked their past collections, you're likely to find something very appetizing in this release as well." (AudAud)