Obscured By Version (LP)

Obscured By Version (LP) cover
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Dub Syndicate
Obscured By Version (LP)

[ On-U Sound / LP ]

Release Date: Friday 28 February 2025

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A brand new set of Dub Syndicate 'versions' utilising rhythms from their classic 89 - 96 period. Adrian Sherwood has gone back to the original tapes, working his mixing desk magic to find new angles on the timeless pulse of Lincoln Valentine "Style" Scott, with fresh overdubs from Cyrus Richard (Dub Asante Band).

Features new dubs of tracks originally found on albums such as Time Boom X De Devil Dead and Stoned Immaculate. A fitting tribute to the long running creative partnership and friendship between Sherwood and Scott.


1. Plains of Africa (Echo, Echo, Echo)
2. Alive And Burning Bright
3. Right Back To Your Soul
4. Stay Tuned
5. Pleasurezone Transmitter
6. Command Centre
7. Corporate Takeover
8. No Lightweight Here
9. Intercommunications