Live at Montreux 2004

Live at Montreux 2004 cover
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George Clinton & Parliament - Funkadelic
Live at Montreux 2004

[ Rajon / DVD ]

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Rated: M - Films, Videos, and Publications Classification Act 1993M No Notes

George Clinton is one of the most influential figures in black American music. Leading Parliament/Funkadelic through the 70s, 80s and beyond he has broken new ground, blending elements of soul, funk and rock to create a sound that is truly unique.

Clinton has performed at the Montreux Festival on several occasions but his performance at the 2004 festival is undoubtedly one of his finest and includes such classics as Bop Gun, Undisco Kidd, Flashlight, Not Just Knee Deep, Up for the Downstroke and Atomic Dog


Bop Gun
Undisco Kidd (The Girl Is Bad)
Flashlight / Get Low
Something Stank
Hard As Steel
Yank My Doodle
Flashlight (Reprise)
Not Just Knee Deep
Sentimental Journey
Not Just Knee Deep (Reprise)
Up For The Downstroke
Bounce 2 This
Never Gonna Tell It
Atomic Dog
Whole Lotta Shakin'

Bonus Tracks
Bernie Worrel Keyboard Solo
Lili Haydn Violin Solo
Maggot Brain Featuring - Lili Haydn, Michael Hampton
US Custom Coast Guard Dope Dog
Maggot Brain (Reprise)
Them Changes