[ Priory / CD ]
Release Date: Friday 15 March 2013
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"The singing is solid and secure throughout, but the choir is definitely at its strongest during the unaccompanied passages, where the balance between vocal parts is very good, the diction at its clearest and the ensemble tight...I feel that the brass quintet played very well, and their inclusion in various hymn arrangements was something I very much enjoyed." MusicWeb
Goss, J: Lauda anima "Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven"
trad.: How Great Thou Art (Arr. S.K. Hine for Choir & Organ
Schutte: Here I am, Lord
Barnard, J: Guiting Power "Christ Triumphant, Ever Reigning" (Arr. C. Harrison for Choir, Organ & Brass Quintet)
Vaughan Williams: Sussex "Father, Hear the Prayer We Offer"
Miller, E: Rockingham "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross"
Lahee: Nativity "Come, Let Us Join Our Cheerful Songs"
anon.: Veni, Creator Spritus "Come Holy Ghost, Our Souls Inspire"
Evans, D J: Be Still for the Presence of the Lord (Arr. J. Whitbourn for Choir & Organ)
Olivers: Helmsley "Lo! He Comes with Clouds Descending" (Arr. R.H. Lloyd for Descant, Choir & Organ)
anon.: Veni, veni, Emanuel
Ferguson, W: Wolvercote "O Jesus, I Have Promised" (Arr. A. Prentice for Choir, Organ & Brass Quintet)
Keith Getty: In Christ Alone (Arr. P.I. Wright for Choir & Organ)
Scholefield: St Clement "The Day Thou Gavest, Lord, Is Ended"
anon.: O Blest Creator of the Light
Hughes, J: Cwm Rhondda "Guide Me, O Thou Great Redeemer" (Arr. C. Harrison for Choir, Organ & Brass Quintet)
Michael Brierley: Camberwell "At the Name of Jesus" (Arr. A. Prentice for Choir, Organ & Brass Quintet)
Howells: Sancta civitas "O Holy City, Seen of John"
Wesley, S S: Hereford "O Thou Who Camest from Above"
and more