Every Loser

Every Loser cover
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Iggy Pop
Every Loser

[ Atlantic / CD ]

Release Date: Friday 6 January 2023

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As indicated by the pinned db meters of "Frenzy," Every Loser harkens back to Iggy's primordial roots while maintaining an undeniably modern lyrical point viewpoint and sonic palette. Every Loser is an exemplary album of primal rock 'n' roll-a master class in the art of lashing out with unequalled intensity and unflappable wit. Featuring a murderers row of modern day rock icons including the "Frenzy" lineup of producer Watt (guitar and background vocals), Duff McKagan (bass) and Chad Smith (drums), Every Loser sets Iggy's incisive aggressions toward physical and existential nemeses atop a rock solid foundation provided by members of Blink 182, Foo Fighters, Guns N' Roses, Jane's Addiction and Pearl Jam.

The result is 11 songs by the man who refused to go gently into that good night on his previous album, 2019's somber and contemplative Free, and is once again charging fearlessly at life itself on Every Loser.


1. Frenzy
2. Strung Out Johnny
3. New Atlantis
4. Modern Day Rip Off
5. Morning Show
6. The News For Andy
7. Neo Punk
8. All The Way Down
10. My Animus Interlude
11. The Regency
