The End, So Far

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The End, So Far

[ Roadrunner Records / Warner / CD ]

Release Date: Friday 30 September 2022

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'The End, So Far' is the widely anticipated new album from Legendary Iowan icons Slipknot.

Lead single "The Dying Song (Time To Sing)" sees one of the world's most popular and deeply enigmatic bands relentlessly charting new ground as they continue to redefine, revitalize, and reimagine the scope of rock music.


1. Adderall
2. The Dying Song (Time To Sing)
3. The Chapeltown Rag
4. Yen
5. Hivemind
6. Warranty
7. Medicine For The Dead
8. Acidic
9. Heirloom
10. H377
11. De Sade
12. Final