[ ALP Records / CD ]
Release Date: Friday 15 February 2019
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Over the years Al Park has woven a rich tapestry out of the experience of being a musician in the relatively small city of Christchurch.
He has commandeered many a Saturday night as front man of his own bands and has given a huge amount of positive energy to the local musical scene in his role as organiser and promoter.
Nurturing talent and giving support and advice, he has brought music to the city with his venue Al's Bar, seeing stars come and go, and as written his own experience into the history of the place. You could say Al has done it all, pushing shows, judging song competitions, vibing up gigs at the door, working record stores, running a tight gig schedule that would make most youngsters dizzy and the whole time constantly writing songs. Never really looking for the big time, for Al it has really been, to quote Townes, "for the sake of the song".
Al Park's songs are presented here by singers that have connected with him over the years. Be it starring as a pimp in Jordan Luck's video "Victoria" in 1983, gigging solidly through the 1980's in Louie and the Hotsticks with Helen Mulholland, witnessing Delaney Davidson in High School band competition Rockquest 1989, forging strong ties with Adam McGrath in Echo Records or mentoring a young Marlon Williams.
Al became an integral part of the city's post-quake musical recovery. Surviving the 2011 earthquake under a table with Barry Saunders led to working with Anita Clark in the legendary Harbour Union, and Anthea Struthers in Runaround Sue. He currently works with Elmore Jones and Adam Hathaway playing more nights of the week than not.
This album features songs Al has written over the years and serves both as a tribute to his work by his peers and also as evidence of a life lived fully in the heart of a community.
"It's a thank you, a very loud and appreciative tip o' the cap to someone who has had a shoulder to many wheels, a hand in many helpings, a voice of wisdom in many thinkings and wonderings" Adam McGrath.
Produced by Delaney Davidson and featuring: Bass - Mike Kime, Drums - Ryan Chin, Guitars - Elomore Jones and Delaney Davidson, Piano - Delaney Davidson, Strings - Anita Clark, Steel Guitar - Paddy Long.
Jordan Luck - I Walked Away
Delaney Davidson and Anita Clark - Melt Me With Your Kiss
Marlon Williams - I Want You Back
Barry Saunders and Helen Mulholland with Marlon Williams - Don't Call It Love
Adam Hathaway and Adam McGrath - Snowbound
Anthea Struthers - Running Away from A Broken Heart
Jordan Luck - Wave To Remember
Delaney Davidson - Blue Afternoon
Adam McGrath - Better Already
Janice Grey and Anita Clark - Strong Arm Man