This Is Morrissey

This Is Morrissey cover
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This Is Morrissey

[ Parlophone / Warner / CD ]

Release Date: Friday 6 July 2018

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A collection of studio classics, live tracks and the alternative Mael mix of the ever-popular 'Suedehead', all chosen by the man himself.


1. The Last of the Famous International Playboys
2. Ouija Board, Ouija Board
3. Speedway
4. Have-A-Go Merchant
5. Satellite Of Love (live)
6. Suedehead (Mael Mix)
7. Lucky Lisp
8. Whatever Happens, I Love You
9. You're The One For Me, Fatty (live)
10. Jack The Ripper
11. The Harsh Truth of the Camera Eye
12. Everyday Is Like Sunday