Prince (LP)

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Prince (LP)

[ Warner Bros. Records / LP ]

Release Date: Friday 6 May 2016

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Expanding the urban R&B and funk approach of his debut, Prince is a considerably more accomplished record than his first effort, featuring the first signs of his adventurous, sexy signature sound. Although the album is still rather uneven, a handful of songs rank as classics. "I Wanna Be Your Lover" is excellent lite funk and "Why You Wanna Treat Me So Bad?" is a wonderful soulful plea, but "I Feel for You," a sexy slice of urban R&B with a strong pop melody, is the true masterpiece of Prince, indicating the major breakthroughs of his next album, Dirty Mind.
All Music Guide.


I Wanna Be Your Lover
Why You Wanna Treat Me So Bad?
Sexy Dancer
When We're Dancing Close And Slow
With You
Still Waiting
I Feel For You
It's Gonna Be Lonely