The Essential Van Morrison

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Van Morrison
The Essential Van Morrison

[ Sony CD / CD ]

Release Date: Friday 28 August 2015

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The Essential Van Morrison is a career spanning compilation, including two Them Tracks and songs from the three Warner albums. Van Morrison has been a part of musical history for many years. He has penned many hit singles that over the years have become a part of the soundtrack to our life. From his beginnings with the band Them to many collaborations over his years. His hits include Gloria, Brown Eyed Girl, Moondance, Bright Side Of The Road to the magical Have I Told You Lately.


1. Gloria (with Them)
2. Here Comes The Night (with Them)
3. Spanish Rose
4. Brown Eyed Girl
5. Astral Weeks
6. The Way Young Lovers Do
7. Moondance
8. Crazy Love
9. And It Stoned Me
10. Into The Mystic
11. Domino
12. Wild Night
13. Tupelo Honey
14. Jackie Wilson Said (I'm In Heaven When You Smile)
15. Warm Love
16. Fair Play
17. Caravan
18. Hungry For Your Love
19. Cleaning Windows (Live)

1. Bright Side Of The Road
2. And The Healing Has Begun
3. Tore Down A La Rimbaud
4. Someone Like You
5. Irish Heartbeat (with The Chieftains)
6. Whenever God Shines His Light (with Sir Cliff Richard)
7. Have I Told You Lately
8. Real Real Gone
9. Enlightenment
10. Why Must I Always Explain?
11. Days Like This
12. That's Life
13. Rough God Goes Riding
14. Precious Time
15. Once In A Blue Moon
16. Magic Time
17. Playhouse
18. Sweet Thing (Live)