Mussorgsky: Boris Godunov

Mussorgsky: Boris Godunov cover $33.00 Out of Stock
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Mussorgsky: Boris Godunov
Martti Talvela, Nicolai Gedda, Leonard Mroz / Polish rdio Chorus iof Krakow, Polish Radio National Symphony Orchestra,Jerzy Semkow

[ Warner Classics Home of Opera / 3 CD Box Set ]

Release Date: Monday 18 March 2013

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"It has many virtues, not least the great Talvela in a role tailor-made for his massive bass. He gives us a deeply felt Boris without resorting to the admittedly effective but increasingly unfashionable histrionics typical of his predecessors; his Tsar is more akin to the characterisation we hear from such as Nestorenko. There are other lesser-known but equally commanding singers in the cast, especially the immensely dignified and moving Pimen of Leonard Mroz and the splendidly subtle double act by Andrzej Hiolski as both Shchelkalov and Rangoni." (MusicWeb)