Traffic (Re-Mastered)

Traffic (Re-Mastered) cover $28.00 Special Order
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Traffic (Re-Mastered)

[ Island / CD ]

Release Date: Monday 25 October 1999

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Traffic is the second studio album by the English rock band of the same name, released in 1968 on Island Records.. The album peaked at number 9 in the UK Albums Chart and at number 17 on the Billboard Top LPs chart. It was the last album recorded by the group before their initial breakup.


"You Can All Join In"
"Pearly Queen"
"Don't Be Sad"
"Who Knows What Tomorrow May Bring"
"Feelin' Alright?"
"Vagabond Virgin"
"Roamin' Thru' the Gloamin' with 40,000 Headmen"
"Cryin' to Be Heard"
"No Time to Live"
"Means to an End"

plus five bonus tracks