The Underwater Melon Man (Book, CD and DVD)

The Underwater Melon Man (Book, CD and DVD) cover
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Fane Flaws, Peter Dasent, Arthur Baysting and Bend
The Underwater Melon Man (Book, CD and DVD)

[ Yellow Eye Ltd / 3 Multi-Format Box Set ]

Release Date: Tuesday 20 December 2011

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A book, CD and DVD of unreasonable rhymes, preposterous paintings, tenacious typography, enchanting music and charming animation come together in this remarkable package.


Disc 1 - CD:
1. The Underwatermelon Man - Chris Knox
2. Melon-Cauli Baby - Tim Finn
3. The Girl With the Porcupine Coat - Jenny Morris
4. The Man With the Cast Iron Belly - George Washingmachine
4. Neville The Enchanted Rug - Neil Finn
6. The Hide & Seeky Bird - John Clarke
7. The Girl With The Empty Head - Bic & Boh Runga
8. The Wicked Conjuror - Dave Dobbyn
9. Pottie Training - Jackie Clarke
10. Money Trees - Fane Flaws
11. Thirteen O'Clock - Renee Geyer
12. Jemina Spride - Jackie Clarke
13. Knights - The Shag Piles
14. The Forgotten Fork - Darren Watson
15. The Girl With The X-Ray Eyes - Don McGlashan
16. Imelda Blade - Tony Backhouse
17. The Man With The Elephant Nose - Che Fu & King Kapisi
18. The Girl From Godknowswhere - Neil Finn
19. The Eccentric Instrumentalist - The Topp Twins
20. The Dog With The Saxophone - Tony Backhouse
21. The Mysterious Box - Dave Dobbyn
22. The Perfect Stranger - Tim Finn
23. El Flamo - Brandon Pou
24. The Man Who Never Was - Renee Geyer
25. Dream Girl - Neil Finn

Disc 2 - DVD:
The Underwater Melon Man (Approx 35 mins) Rating :- PG

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