MARBECKS COLLECTABLE: Prokofiev: Peter and the Wolf / Saint-Saens: Carnival of the Animals (with Bizet's Jeux d'enfants)

MARBECKS COLLECTABLE: Prokofiev: Peter and the Wolf / Saint-Saens: Carnival of the Animals (with Bizet's Jeux d'enfants) cover
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MARBECKS COLLECTABLE: Prokofiev: Peter and the Wolf / Saint-Saens: Carnival of the Animals (with Bizet's Jeux d'enfants)
Sir John Gielgud (narrator) Vivian Troon, Roderick Elms (pianos) / Royal Philharmonic Orchestra / Andrea Licata (cond)

[ Royal Philharmonic / CD ]

Release Date: Monday 10 April 2006

In line with the tradition begun by Sir Thomas Beecham, the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra continues to be closely associated with some of the world's outstanding conductors and soloists.