Bridges to Babylon

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The Rolling Stones
Bridges to Babylon

[ Polydor Records / CD ]

Release Date: Thursday 16 July 2009

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Originally issued in 1997, 'Bridges to Babylon' made the Top 3 in the US and number 6 in the UK. The yearning and sinuous "Anybody Seen My Baby?" and the mean and moody "Saint of Me" in particular, showed the band remained at the cutting edge.


1. Flip The Switch
2. Anybody Seen My Baby
3. Low Down
4. Already Over Me
5. Gunface
6. You Don't Have To Mean It
7. Out Of Control
8. Saint Of Me
9. Might As Well Get Juiced
10. Always Suffering
11. Too Tight
12. Thief In The Night
13. How Can I Stop