Winding Sheet

Winding Sheet cover $32.00 In stock with supplier
ETA: 2-5 business days
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Mark Lanegan
Winding Sheet

[ Sub Pop / CD ]

Release Date: Friday 22 May 1992

We don’t have this item in our warehouse or stores at the moment, but the supplier has stock. We should be able to get it to you in 2 - 5 business days from when you order it.


1. Mockingbirds - 2:29
2. Museum - 2:50
3. Undertow - 2:52
4. Ugly Sunday - 3:56
5. Down in the Dark - 3:21
6. Wildflowers - 2:59
7. Eyes of a Child - 4:00
8. The Winding Sheet - 5:30
9. Woe - 2:04
10. Ten Feet Tall - 2:49
11. Where Did You Sleep Last Night? - 3:59
12. Juarez - 1:21

Bonus Track:
13. I Love You Little Girl - 2:03