MARBECKS COLLECTABLE: Tchaikovsky: Songs cover $25.00 Low Stock add to cart

Joan Rodgers (soprano) Roger Vignoles (piano)

[ Hyperion Helios / CD ]

Release Date: Sunday 1 March 2009

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'I find this British singer's identification with Tchaikovsky almost uncanny. Having heard countless performances ... in my native Russia, I was totally overcome by Rodgers' unaffectedness and sincerity ... Her intonation is faultless, her Russian excellent. A rare treat indeed' (Vladimir Ashkenazy)

'A lovely record' (The Sunday Times)

Perhaps there still lingers a suspicion that Mussorgsky is the only major Russian song composer. True, no one is likely to place Tchaikovsky in the same league as, say, Schubert or Wolf, but his hundred or so songs add up to a corpus of work far more significant than our neglect of them might suggest. It is also a corpus in the strongest contrast to Mussorgsky's, for whereas that brilliant but rough genius possessed an extraordinary capacity for capturing a person's inner being through the vivid, sometimes startling projection of his external traits, Tchaikovsky probed directly into the human soul to expose its desires and passions, its joys and sorrows, its tenderness and its vulnerability. Details normally mattered little to him; it was more the general mood that he aimed to project, and he favoured verses concerned with strong, personal feeling, which he might set as 'lyrical declamations'. Much responsibility is placed upon the singer as interpreter, the pianist affording support and continuity, and sometimes crucial expressive amplification.


Dvenadtsat romansov 'Twelve Romances', Op 60
1 No 01: Vcherashnaya noch bïla tak svetla 'Last night was so bright' [2'29]
2 Zabït tak skoro 'To forget so soon' [2'44]

Dvenadtsat romansov 'Twelve romances', Op 60
3 No 04: Solovey 'The nightingale' [3'10]

Shest romansov 'Six romances', Op 38
4 No 2: To bïlo ranneyu vesnoy 'It was in early spring' [2'01]
5 No 3: Sred shumnovo bala 'At the ball' [2'14]

Shest romansov 'Six romances', Op 28
6 No 6: Strashnaya minuta 'The fearful minute' 'Tï vnimayesh, vniz skloniv golovku 'You listen, with bowed head'' [3'19]

Shest romansov 'Six romances', Op 6
7 No 1: Ne ver moy drug 'Do not believe me' [3'38]

Shestnadtsat pesen dlya detey 'Sixteen songs for children', Op 54
8 No 08: Kukushka 'The cuckoo' 'Tï priletel iz goroda 'You have flown in from the town'' [2'10]

Sem romansov 'Seven romances', Op 47
9 No 7: Ya li v pole da ne travushka bïla 'I was a little blade of grass' [5'43]

Shest romansov 'Six romances', Op 16
10 No 1: Kolïbelnaya pesnya 'Cradle song' 'Spi, ditya moyo, usni! 'Sleep my child, go to sleep!'' [4'08]
Dvenadtsat romansov 'Twelve romances', Op 60
11 No 10: Za oknom v teni melkayet 'At the window, in the shadow' [1'38]

Shest romansov 'Six romances', Op 63
12 No 6: Serenada 'O ditya, pod okoshkom tvoim 'O child, below your balcony'' [3'08]

Shest romansov 'Six romances', Op 25
13 No 4: Kanareyka 'The canary' 'Gavorit sultansha kanareyka 'The sultana speaks to a canary'' [3'15]

Shest romansov 'Six romances', Op 6
14 No 2: Ni slova, o drug moy 'Not a word, my friend' [2'30]

Shestnadtsat pesen dlya detey 'Sixteen songs for children', Op 54
15 No 10: Kolïbelnaya pesn v buryu 'Lullaby in a storm' 'Akh, uymis tï, burya! 'Be still, storm!'' [2'14]
16 No 09: Vesna 'Spring' 'Uzh tayet sneg, begut ruchi 'The snow is melting, streams are flowing'' [1'58]

Shest romansov 'Six romances', Op 28
17 No 3: Zachem? 'Why?' [2'50]

Shest romansov 'Six romances', Op 6
18 No 6: Net, tolko tot, kto znal 'Only one who knows yearning' [3'05]

Sem romansov 'Seven romances', Op 47
19 No 6: Den li tsarit 'By day or by night' [3'28]
20 No 1: Kabï znala ya 'If only I had known' [4'17]

Shest romansov 'Six romances', Op 6
21 No 5: Otchevo? 'Why?' [2'57]