Marilyn Horne: The Complete Decca Recitals (11 CD set Special Price)

Marilyn Horne: The Complete Decca Recitals (11 CD set Special Price) cover $70.00 Special Order
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Marilyn Horne: The Complete Decca Recitals (11 CD set Special Price)
Marilyn Horne (mezzo-soprano) witth various orchestras and accompaniments

[ Decca Budget Boxes / 11 CD Box Set ]

Release Date: Sunday 20 April 2008

This item is only available to us via Special Order. We should be able to get it to you in 3 - 6 weeks from when you order it.

"When every single item brings wonderment it is impossible to single out one above the rest, and the recording is outstandingly vivid...her Rossini recital is one of the most cherishable among all Rossini records ever issued. The voice is in glorious condition, rich and firm throughout its spectacular range, and is consistently used with artistry and imagination, as well as brilliant virtuosity in coloratura. By any reckoning, this is thrilling singing."
(Penguin Guide)

The great American mezzo-soprano Marilyn Horne celebrated her 70th birthday in January 2004 and that year also marked 50 years since her professional debut.

Horne's debut in 1954 was in Los Angeles. That same year her name and voice was brought to many more people than could ever hear her in the opera house through the 1954 film Carmen Jones in which she sang the dubbed voice of Dorothy Dandridge. Her Covent Garden debut was as Marie in Wozzeck (sung in English at that time) in 1964 - she had made her San Francisco debut in 1960 with the same role. It was with Joan Sutherland that Marilyn Horne found the perfect vocal partner and their performances in the great bel canto operas by Rossini, Bellini and Donizetti took the opera world by storm in the 1960s and early 1970s.

By the time she retired in 1998, Marilyn Horne's long and distinguished career embraced an enormous variety of operatic roles, as well as a wide variety of solo song ranging from Schubert, Schumann and Mahler through to modern American songs. Such a wide repertory was due to the sheer range of her voice and its remarkable flexibility, a voice that could sustain long lines of melody as well as negotiate the most florid vocal pyrotechnics.

Marilyn Horne participated in a number of complete opera recordings (among them classic recordings of Norma and Semiramide with Joan Sutherland) for Decca and also made ten recital programmes. The complete recitals are now reissued in their entirety as a Collector Edition on 11 CDs and preserve the original sequence of music as presented on vinyl; the original LP cover art is reproduced for the CD sleeves.


ROSSINI: Una voce poco fa (Il barbiere di Siviglia)
BELLINI: Se Romeo t'uccise un figlio … La tremenda altrice spada (I Capuleti e i Montecchi)
BEETHOVEN: Abscheulicher! Wo eilst du hin?(Fidelio)
ROSSINI: Assisa a pie d'un salice (Otello)
ROSSINI: Di tanti palpiti (Tancredi)
ROSSINI: Bel raggio lusinghier (Semiramide)
ROSSINI: Pronti abbiamo e ferri e mani … Pensa alla patria (L'italiana in Algeri)
GLUCK: J'ai perdu mon Eurydice (Orphée et Eurydice)
GOUNOD: Où suis-je? … O ma lyre immortelle (Sapho)
MEYERBEER: Ah! mon fils, soit béni! (Le Prophète)
GLUCK: Divinités du Styx (Alceste)
VERDI: Stride la vampa … Condotta ell' era in ceppi (Il trovatore)

J.S. BACH: Et exultavit · Esurientes (Magnificat in D)
J.S. BACH: Schlafe mein Liebster (Weihnachts-oratorium)
J.S. BACH: Erbarme dich mein Gott (Mattäus-passion)
J.S. BACH: Bist du bei mir (arr.Smith)
HANDEL: O thou that tellest · I know that my redeemer liveth (Messiah)
HANDEL: Scacciata dal suo nido · Dove sei ? Vivi tiranno (Rodelinda)
ROSSINI: Eccomi alfine in Babilonia … Ah! quel giorno ognor rammento (Semiramide)
MEYERBEER: Ô prêtres de Baal … Ô toi qui m'abandonnes (Le Prophète)
MOZART: Parto, parto, ma tu, ben mio (La clemenza di Tito)
MEYERBEER: Nobles seigneurs, salut! (Les Huguenots)
ROSSINI: Cruda sorte! amor tiranno! (L'italiana in algeri)
DONIZETTI: Deciso è dunque … le ricchezze ed il grado (La figlia del reggimento)
ROSSINI: Nacqui all'affanno e al pianto … Non più mesta accanto al fuoco (La Cenerentola)

ROSSINI: Avanziam … Non temer, d'un basso affetto … I destini trader ogni speme! … Signor, che tutto puoi … sei tu che stendi, O dio ? L'ora fatal s'appressa … Giusto ciel (L'assedio di Corinto)
ROSSINI: Mura felici · Tanti affetti (La donna del lago)

MASSENET: Air des letters … Werther! Werther! · Va! Laisse couler mes larmes (Werther)
THOMAS: Connais tu le pays? · Gavotte - C'est moi … Me voici dans son boudoir · Elle est là! Près de lui! (Mignon)
BIZET: L'amour est un oiseau rebelle (Habañera) · Près des remparts de Séville (Seguidilla) (Carmen)
SAINT-SAËNS: Printemps qui commence · Mon coeur s'ouvre à ta voix (Samson et Dalila)

MAHLER: 5 Lieder nach Rückert
MAHLER: Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen

MAHLER: Kindertotenlieder
WAGNER: Wesendonk-Lieder

SCHUBERT: Im Frühling, D882
SCHUBERT: Nacht und Träume, D827
SCHUBERT: Die junge Nonne, D828
SCHUBERT: Fischerweise, D881
SCHUMANN: Die Lotusblume, Op.25 No.7
SCHUMANN: Aus den henräischen Gesängen
SCHUMANN: Die Kartenlegerin, Op.31 No.2
SCHUMANN: Abendlied
WOLF: Auf einer Wanderung
WOLF: Der Genese an die Hoffnung
WOLF: Mein Liebster
WOLF: Mignon
R. STRAUSS: Schön sind, doch kalt
R. STRAUSS: Für fünfzehn Pfennige
R. STRAUSS: R.Strauss: Befreit, Op.39 No.4 [original version]

BIZET: Chanson d'Avril
BIZET: Adieux de l'Hôtesse arabe
BIZET: Vieille Chanson
BIZET: Absence
DEBUSSY: Chansons de Bilitis
FALLA: 7 Canciones populares españolas
NIN: Villancico Castellano
NIN: Jesus de Nazareth
NIN: Villancico Asturiano
NIN: Villancico Andaluz

Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair
Beautiful Dreamer
If You've Only Got a Moustache
Camptown Races
Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child
I've Just Come from the Fountain
The Lord's Prayer
Billy Boy
Go 'Way from my Window
Five Songs from 'Old American Songs' (arr. Copland)
You're a Grand Old Flag
When Johnny Comes Marching Home
God Bless America
I Didn't Raise my Boy to be a Soldier
Battle Hymn of the Republic