[ Double E Productions / DVD ]
Release Date: Wednesday 5 December 2007
The Laughing Samoans first hit the stage at the 2003 NZ Fringe Festival and performed to a few hundred people. Today The Laughing Samoans play to audiences in sizes up to 5000 and tour as far afield as the USA, Australia and the Pacific Islands. Last month they sold out the ASB Aotea Centre, Auckland (capacity 2400) and wowed over 2000 at the Michael Fowler Centre, Wellington a couple of nights later.
One of the secrets of The Laughing Samoans' success is the "clean family entertainment" style of comedy that allows them to have children, parents and grandparents all enjoying their shows.
Their first three DVD's "The Best Of Laughing With Samoans", "A Small Samoan Wedding" and "Old School" have combined sales of over 30,000 DVD's.
"Off Work" is The Laughing Samoans forth DVD . The show was recorded in Brisbane in September, 2007 and features The Laughing Samoans playing their usual variety of hilarious characters in the following scenes:
Trouble In The World
You Want To Play?
Move Over Please
It's Your Turn
Stars In Your Eye
English Please
How Are You?
You Are What You Eat
You Didn't Get It