A Good Woman

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A Good Woman 

[ Hopscotch Entertainment DVD / DVD ]

Release Date: Monday 8 June 2009

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Rated: PG - Films, Videos, and Publications Classification Act 1993PG No Notes

Set in the 1930s on the beautiful Italian Riviera, this film is an elegant, witty, romantic comedy based on Oscar Wilde's "Lady Windermere's Fan".

A young couple's marriage is put in jeopardy by high-society gossip of an affair blossoming. Robert Windermere (Mark Umbers) is accused with providing a secret allowance for Mrs Erlynne (Helen Hunt) a vampish older woman of ill repute, whilst his wife, Meg Windermere (Scarlett Johansson), courts the attention of Lord Darlington (Stephen Campbell Moore), a notorious playboy.

Starring Scarlett Johansson; Helen Hunt; Tom Wilkinson; Milena Vukotic; Stephen Campbell Moore; Mark Umbers; Diana Hardcastle.

Directed by Mike Barker.

Region 4 - Widescreen 16:9 Enhanced - Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo - Colour - 94 Minutes - PAL

PG Adult themes