[ Universal Pictures DVD / 2 DVD ]
Release Date: Wednesday 12 April 2006
187 Minutes
Special Features :-
-Introduction by Peter Jackson
-Post Production Diaries #55 to #90
-City of New York Feature
-Skull Island Feature
...Plus more!
From director Peter Jackson - the iconic story of the gigantic ape captured in the wild and brought back to civilisation where he meets his tragic fate. Naomi Watts plays Ann Darrow, an actress from the world of vaudeville who finds herself out of a job in Depression-era New York. Her luck changes when she meets Carl Denham (Jack Black). Denham is an entrepreneur, raconteur, adventurer and filmmaker who is struggling to make a name for himself in the entertainment industry. Bold ebullient and charismatic, Denham has a natural sense of showmanship and an appetite for greatness, which ultimately leads to catastrophe. Adrien Brody steps into the role of Jack Driscoll, a New York playwright who becomes an unlikely hero in a romantic adventure story that will test his physical courage and his heart...
Starring Naomi Watts, Jack Black, Adrien Brody, Andy Serkis, Thomas Kretschmann, Colin Hanks, Jamie Bell, Kyle Chandler, Evan Parke, and Lobo Chan.
Directed by Peter Jackson.