[ Deutsche Grammophon DVD / 2 DVD ]
Release Date: Monday 16 August 2004
This item is only available to us via Special Order. We should be able to get it to you in 3 - 6 weeks from when you order it.
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"Meier's Kundry is electrifying ... she simply is Kundry, having thought herself voice, body and soul into the part, a wholly remarkable achievement which is the stuff of legends"
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Region 2 - Regular 1.33:1 / 4:3 - Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround / DTS 5.1 Surround / PCM Stereo - Colour - 264 minutes - NTSC
The Schenk / Levine MET production from 1991 featuring such well-known Wagner singers as Waltraut Meier, Siegried Jerusalem, Kurt Moll and Bernd Weikl is one of the very rare DVD releases of this opera.
"When it was new in 1991, Schenk's staging was accepted as a sensible if conventional piece of work. It is almost pre-Wieland in its realism, but with topless maidens and good deal of sexual imagery and erotic play allowed in Act 2. Brian Large has filmed it all with his customary acuity. - Meier's Kundry is electrifying ... she simply is Kundry, having thought herself voice, body and soul into the part, a wholly remarkable achievement which is the stuff of legends, on a par with, say Callas's Tosca or Sutherland's Lucia."
-(Gramophone, UK, November 1994, reviewing the VHS release)