Strauss, (R.): Also Sprach Zarathustra / Tod und Verklarung [Death & Transfiguration]

Strauss, (R.): Also Sprach Zarathustra / Tod und Verklarung [Death & Transfiguration] cover $21.00 Out of Stock
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Strauss, (R.): Also Sprach Zarathustra / Tod und Verklarung [Death & Transfiguration]
Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, Andre Previn

[ Telarc Classics / CD ]

Release Date: Tuesday 16 April 2002

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"Previn draws magnificent playing fromthe Vienna Philharmonic in powerful, red-blooded readings of the symphonic poems, and the recording is among Telarc's finest. Strongly recommended for anyone wanting this particular coupling, and enjoying spectacularly volupyuous sound-quality."
(Penguin Stereo Guide)


Also sprach Zarathustra (Thus Spoke Zoroaster), tone poem for orchestra, Op. 30

Tod und Verklärung (Death and Transfiguration), tone poem for orchestra, Op. 24