The Best of George Harrison

The Best of George Harrison cover $40.00 Special Order
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George Harrison
The Best of George Harrison

[ Capitol Records / CD ]

Release Date: Monday 10 December 2001

This item is only available to us via Special Order. We should be able to get it to you in 3 - 6 weeks from when you order it.

This is an excellent collection of George's finest songs - with The Beatles and solo. The CD includes "Taxman", "Here Comes The Sun", "While My Guitar Gently Weeps", "Something", "My Sweet Lord", "Give Me Love (Give Me Peace On Earth)" and more!


1. Something
2. If I Needed Someone
3. Here Comes The Sun
4. Taxman
5. Think For Yourself
6. For You Blue
7. While My Guitar Gently Weeps
8. My Sweet Lord
9. Give Me Love (Give Me Peace On Earth)
10. You
11. Bangladesh
12. Dark Horse
13. What Is Life