Eagles Live (2CD)

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Eagles Live (2CD)

[ Elektra Records / 2 CD ]

Release Date: Saturday 16 December 1989

We don’t have this item in our warehouse or stores at the moment, but the supplier has stock. We should be able to get it to you in 2 - 4 weeks from when you order it.

Classic concert recordings from a classic band! Here's 15 great songs over 2 digitally re-mastered discs, including the hard-to-find "Seven Bridges Road" track.


Disc 1:
1. Hotel California
2. Heartache Tonight
3. I Can't Tell You Why
4. Long Run
5. New Kid in Town
6. Life's Been Good

Disc 2:
1. Seven Bridges Road
2. Wasted Time
3. Take It to the Limit
4. Doolin-Dalton [Reprise II]
5. Desperado
6. Saturday Night
7. All Night Long
8. Life in the Fast Lane
9. Take It Easy